4 Powerful Life Lessons from 2024

2024 was a year that taught me so much about life. I learned how important it is to take care of myself, stop comparing my life to others, and step out of my comfort zone. These lessons helped me grow, find peace, and move forward in a better way. Keep reading to see how they might help you too!

My Traveling Friends…

Moving into 2025, I’m sharing this reflection a little later than most. Why? Because sometimes, you need to pause, sit with your experiences, and let them guide you before you move forward. Taking time to self-reflect helped me uncover 4 powerful lessons from 2024 that changed how I approach life. These lessons reminded me that growth doesn’t happen when we rush—it happens when we take the time to truly look back, learn, and step forward with intention.

Here’s what 2024 taught me:

1. You can’t pour from an empty cup: Self-care isn’t just a nice idea; it’s non-negotiable. Taking time to recharge doesn’t make you selfish—it makes you stronger for yourself and everyone who depends on you.

2. Saying “no” is an act of self-love: Protecting your peace and energy isn’t mean; it’s necessary. Boundaries are healthy and essential.

3. Comparison is a trap: Your journey is unique. Wasting time looking at someone else’s path only distracts you from walking your own.

4. Growth happens outside your comfort zone: The scariest steps often lead to the most rewarding changes. Even small risks can open the door to big possibilities.

As I reflected on these lessons, one truth stood out: When you stop looking down in doubt and start looking up with hope, you can move forward and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being purposeful. Every decision, no matter how small, is a step toward the life you want to build.

So, as we move through 2025, I invite you to do the same. Take a moment to review your own lessons from last year. What did you learn about yourself? How can you use those insights to create a life you love—on purpose? Remember, every step forward matters.

Let’s grow together this year! If this post inspired you, subscribe to my website for more reflections and tips on creating your dream life. Share this with someone who needs a reminder that growth is always possible. And always know, I’m here to help you on your journey. Let’s make 2025 our most intentional year yet!

#LessonsLearned #PurposefulLiving #SelfCareMatters #DreamLifeJourney #GrowthMindset #ReflectAndGrow #LifeLessons2024 #InspirationDaily #PersonalGrowthTips #CreateYourBestLife

What Are You Hiding From?

Have you ever paused and asked yourself, “What an I hiding from?” It’s a question that can lead to profound self-awareness and transformation within. By exploring the answer, you will uncover barriers that hold you back from living your authentic life unapologetically, and from there you can decide to step into a more confident, authentic version of yourself. Curious yet?

Embrace the Journey: Why It’s Okay When the Path Gets Tough

In a world where instant gratification often reigns supreme, the notion that the journey is supoosed to be hard might seem counterintuitive. We’re bomdarded with messages about quick fixes, overnight success stories, and shortcuts to happiness. Yet, beneath the surface lies a timeless truth, a truth that I embraced, and that is growth, transformation, and true fulfillment often emerge from challenges and adversity. What if the journey is suppose to be hard in order for us to become who we need to become?

In this post, I will be exploring why the journey is supposed to be hard and just how embracing its difficulties can lead to profound personal development and success.

The Lessons of 2023…Looking Back to Move Forward

My Beloved Traveling Friends, I find myself looking back over the year of 2023, and I really wanted to share with you all some of the lessons that I learned from this most transformative year. It is a fact that 2023 was a very emotionally draining, year for me. I found myself in a wilderness seasons, looking back asking myself “How did I get here?” And I noticed that when I asked myself that question, how did I get here questions, I felt so hopeless and lost, I felt broken, and not enough. Guys, this question did not bring me any type of knowledge, this question caused me to feel like a victim. However, I got so tired of feeling like that; of feeling like I did not have any power in the situation. That is when I decided to ask myself a different question, and that was – “What can I learn from this situation to become a better me?”

It was only when I began to look at the ebbs and flows of life through the lens of evolving, instead of being a victim of the situation, that is when I realized that change in the one constant thing in the world, and it’s how I response to that change that creates my life. And with that being said – here are the 5 lessons that I learned from the classroom of 2023:

Lesson 1: Change Is The One Constant Thing In This World – This world is evolving so quickly, people, thing, amd places change all the time. I had to learn how to embrace change in order for me to grow as a person. In the past years, I stayed stuck in certain situations because I did not accept that things had changed. And that stopped me from growing as a person. In this classroom 2023, I knew that I could not stay behind anymore because God gave me a glimpse of my future and not being able to move was not apart of the glimpse. God will call me to move and move quickly, and in order to do that I had to learn how to embrace change because Change Is The One Constant Thing In This World. Remember that like the seasons, life transitions demand adaptation and resilience and this will only happen if you too learn to embrace change.

Lesson 2: What You Focus On Grows – This year really showed me to power of my focus. Guys, our attention is a powerful force, and where we direct our focus determines the energy we attract. Now you guys are probably wondering how did I learn this lesson, and thank you for being so curious. During this year I really paid attention to how I felt and the thoughts that I was thinking when I was feeling a certain way. So, when I felt bad, hopeless, sad, frustrating, or any negative emotion I noticed that I was focusing on something negative. And that negative thought was growing within my body, which was causing me to react instead of responding. And then I had to start looking back over my entire life, and I realized that I planted a lot of negativity and that seed had be bring forth fruit. It could be that in 2023, I was reaping the harvest of some of the negative seed that I sown over the years. So, moving forward I must reframe the story and focus on the positive outcome that is also possible even in the midst of a negative situation. 2023 showed me the potency of focusing on positivity and opportunities, watching them flourish and multiply; after all What You Focus on Grows.

Lesson 3: Everyone and Everything Cannot Go With You – Guys, I truly believe that this lesson was an extermely hard lesson for me to learn because I want everything to stay the same and everyone to come along with me, and it is because I want to stay in a confort zone. However, 2023 showed me that everything and everyone cannot come with me to the next level. There is a season for every person and thing, so I had to really learn that endings are neccessary because there are some elements are better left behind. Letting go is not a sign a weakness but an act of empowerrment because I am making room for new connections and opportunities. Endings are neccessary because – Eveyone and Everything Cannot Go With You

Lesson 4: Learn To Mind Your Business – Be Quiet – This lesson was an invaluable lesson for me to learn. Learning to stay in your lane, mind your buisness, and be quiet was difficult for me because I always want things and people get along and be at peace. But in doing this I was causing myself unneeded stress becasue I was taking on others people problems instead of allowing those people to figure it out. I realized that I was an enabler instead of a healer. Being in the classroom of 2023, I realized minding my business, staying in my lane, and keeping quiet is a practice of self-care. This practice enables me to nurture my own mind, which allows me to grow on a personal level and fulfill myself. God showed me in 2023 that not everything or everyone is my problem or assignment, and that when He say mind your business and be quiet I must obey. So,yeah – Mind Your Business and Be Quiet…

Lesson 5: Find The Light and Let It Shine – In the midst of life’s challenges, it’s crucial to find and amplify the light that is in the situation. Learning to reframe the story of the situation is what finding the light is all about. When you turn on the light in a dark situation that darkness has to fleet, and 2023 taught me that. The problem is that the darkness can be so scary and it does take courage to find the light and let it shine. Learning this lesson allowed me to illuminate my path and it also becomes a beacon of inspiration for others. Therefore guys, I encourage you all to Find The Light and Let It Shine.

The classroom of 2023 has taught me so many things and every lesson learned this year leads me right back to the biggest lesson of them all – Trust and Be Confident In God, because ultimately He is the One that gives you the ability to accomplish it all. Lessons 1-5 leads me back to putting my faith in God in all situations.

Now those are my lessons, I want to hear from you all – What did 2023 teach you that you will use to evolve in 2024?

If this post has inspired you in any way, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the Confidence Mindset Program. The Confidence Mindset Program is a 1-on-1 coaching program that is designed to help individuals foster a profound relationship with oneself, empowers individuals to purposefully create the life they desire.

The Confidence Mindset Program Offers:

  • Personalized 1-on-1 coaching sessions
  • Tailored strategies for self-empowerment
  • Tools to navigate life transitions with confidence
  • A supportive community fostering growth and connection

Seize the opportunity to invest in yourself and make 2024 a year of evolution and purposeful growth and fulfillment. I look foward to joining you on this empowering journey.

Schedule a consultation call today. Click the link to schedule your consultation: http://www.lifeisbutajourney.com

Unitl Next Time Remember That Life Is But A Journey

I Realized That I Missed Me…

My Traveling Friends life has a funny way of teaching you lessons that will lead you to where you need to be, which is always right back to you…

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 299 Days

GOD is good……. Okay guys remember when I said that I decided to let God guide me on my weight lost journey instead of doing it the world’s way, and all I can say is that my GOD is good. So, it has been a full week since I started to continue my weight lost journey with God and I see results on the scale. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 299 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 295 Days

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! We made it into 2017, and that is something that we all need to thank the Lord for because soooooooo many people did not make it into 2017. Thank you Lord for ordering our step through 2016 and into 2017, and I pray that you continue to order our steps in 2017. I know that it has been awhile since my last post and I now that you all are wondering what has happen with me on this journey. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 295 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: Golf Day





Okay guys you all have waited long enough, so here I go. July 1, 2016 was my first official golf day-I learned how to play the game. If you viewed my video then you all know that I was very nervous about playing golf with veteran golfers, and I almost did not go. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: Golf Day”

My Weight Lost Journey: 694 Days-1Year 362 Days

Guys, I have so much to talk about that I don’t know where to start. So, I guess I should start at the beginning right? Right…. Well, guys I was laid off from my job of 11 years (Westwood College closed their doors). Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 694 Days-1Year 362 Days”

My Weight Loss Journey: Day 587 – 1 Year 224 Days

In the Weight Watcher’s Meetings the participates are always asked what are the small steps that we can take everyday that will help us reach our goal? This is a very good question, and my answer is self control.

God’s word tells me that I have self control, and that I am in control of my body and thoughts; with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, I have to chose the make a different choice concerning food, and eating late at night.  Let me explain-I get home from work late and when I get home I am hungry, so I would eat my dinner. Then I would go to bed, and thus I gain weight. Many people might say why would I do that if I know I am going to gain weight. And my answer is because I have to eat right, and that is the thinking that I have to overcome. God says that I have self control, so at a certain time I should be able to stop eating and still know that I will be okay. But I don’t, I make the choice to eat late at night, and I know that it is derailing my weight lost journey.

So, one might think then why are you doing this (trying to lost weight and sabotage your self), and I would have to say because I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me and God’s word also tells me that I have self control. And His word continues to motive me to get back up again once I fall down, no matter how many times I fall down. Don’t get me wrong failing (falling down) more than once and back to back is very discouraging and it can bring your spirits down, but when I read God’s word and attend church to hear His word I am encouraged to get back up and take another step in the right direction. Every successful person will tell you that it is good to fail (it may not feel good) because it teaches you something and it helps to build character. The knowledge that I am gaining from Weight Watcher’s can also be applied to my everyday life journey. The bible say that as a man thinketh so is he, so if I think that I am someone that has self control, then I will be that person that has self control. If I think that I am successful, then I will be successful.

So, yes my one small step that I can take everyday that will help me reach my goal is to practice self control as it concerns eating late at night, Because God says that I have self control, so I have it. Now my question to you all is what small step can you take everyday that will help you reach your goals in life? Please share you thoughts and I will continue to share my weight lost journey with you all, until next….