Intro To Being Positive: Forgiveness

Hi guy,
This is my first time blogging, so please bare with me. I have a lot to say about how we as a people can change this world. I don’t think that we can change the world through fighting, complaining, or blaming other people for or situations. But I do think we can change the world one person at a time, and that person that we can change is ourselves. I have learned that by being negative and never excepting good things to happen to me that I always ended up with exactly what I thought I would end up with. This way of thinking was something that was taught to me by my mother. She was a single mother that had to raise two little girls, and it always seemed like things never went her way. As I grew up my mother became my best friend and we talked about everything, from relationships, to church, to how she viewed life; and she passed her views on to me. I grew up thinking that as long as I don’t except good things to happen to me that when it didn’t happen I won’t be hurt. But little did I know that by me thinking this way I was actually sowing that negative seed in my life, and the only thing I could reap was negativity. I don’t want you to think that my life was just terrible, because it wasn’t. I had a wonderful childhood, and a great mother. She was my role model. I looked up to her and I wanted to be just like her, but not just like her. I moved out and went to graduate school in Georgia, and this is when I learned that my thinking and outlook of the world was kind of off. I met someone who was very spiritual and positive. Good things always seemed to happen to her, even when it wasn’t so good, she still ended up on top. I would always ask her how she could be so happy and joyful all the time. I really thought something was wrong with her, people can’t just be like that for real. She explained to me that the God she serves enables her too be happy, joyful, and positive all the time. I wanted what she had, but God has a purpose for us all, and when I met that person; who is now a close friend, I was on the path to fully accept God in my heart and life. All throughout school my friends told me that I was too negative and that no one whats to be around someone with a negative attitude. It was a mind thing and God placed all of those people, and every situation in my life to draw me closer to Him and to fully understand what He wants and has for me. However, if I stayed negative I would not have been able to fully accept God. I truly became a child of God on May 5, 2005, and this was the beginning of my life. I still have difficult situations that I go through, but now I understand that God is with me and He is working it out for my good. My job during the situation is to give it to God, praise and worship Him, and believe that He is working it out on my behalf and I will come out on top. God wants to bless each and everyone one of us, but in order for you to receive what He has for you, you have to first let go of your past, and believe that you have a purposes no matter were you came from. In order to let go of the pass, we have to forgive the people who hurt us along the way. We have to forgive the people who said that we would never do or be anything in life (even if it was our parents). Most importantly, we have to forgive ourselves and let go of the past. This is the only way we can move forward and fully accept what God has for us. In order to forgive you have to be honest with yourself. You have to look inside your self and see what God saw before Jesus washed us clean with His blood, and you have to be able to forgive just like God forgave us. So, I gave you guys a short story about me and where I came from and where I am now in my life. I am on a journey to becoming the woman that God wants me to be. The first step is to receive God into your life by believing that He is your Lord and Savior. The next step is to forgive everyone, thing, and most of all yourself for all the bad, hurtful, and shameful things that has happened to you. God has already forgiven us, now we need to forgive. So, lets go on the journey together; the journey of forgiving. I will be updating my site once a week with different situations that I had to, and still have to, forgive someone or myself. God is still working on me and He is still working on you, maybe we can learn together and in the process change the world one person at a time. Until next time, remember that being happy and joyful is a choice, a choice that God can make easy for you to choice. See you and stay positive.