My Weight Lost Journey: Day 260

Well, I made it through Thanksgiving and I did not gain any weight. I lost 0.8lbs and I was soooooooo happy to see a decrease in my weight that it did not matter that it was only 0.8lbs. I bet you are wondering what I did this Thanksgiving that was different from the last thanksgiving, and I would have to say a little more control of myself is what I did different.

I cooked the same food that I cooked last Thanksgiving, but I did substitute some ingredients. Instead of me using whole cheese and milk, I used reduced fat dairy products. For my dressing I used corn bread made from wheat flour. And I made 3 sweet potatoe pies, 2 regular pies and 1 reduced fat. I must say that I was little skeptical about the pie that I made for myself, but it turned out really good; even my husband said it was good and that made me feel great.

The food that was made was not the only thing that was different this Thanksgiving, my inner man was a little different as well. I will admit that I have been a little sad this holiday season but I know that everything will work out for me best, and I just have to focus on the things that God has given me stewardship over (which includes my purpose). I cannot continue to worry about the what ifs in life, because God has already figured it all out for me I just have to trust and believe in God ONLY, and everything will work out for my good. SO, I guess I can say that my inner man was a little stronger this year than last, so I had more self control because of it.

If you take nothing from this posting but 1 thing, I hope that it is this- focus on your inner man, and listen to her(him). That still small voice will never lead you in the wrong direction. We need to all stop worrying about the what-ifs of this life and be thankful for what God has given us stewardship over, and lets focus on groooooowwwwwwing it. The every day stressors of this life will make you lost focus on what you need to focus on until you really think you are doing what you are meant to do. JUST STOP………Listen   to that small voice and go with it.

This Thanksgiving I had many things to be thankful for and if I did not stop to hear my still small voice tell me just that I would have been really sad and depress. How was your Thanksgiving? What did you eat or better yet what did you learn this Thanksgiving? Please share. Until next time……

Low Fat Sweet Potatoe Pie (Only 3pts per slice)

Low Fat Sweet Potatoe Pie (Only 3pts per slice)

Part of what I am thankful for……

Lee V

Lee III and Lee V

Lee III and Lee V


My Weight Loss Journey: Day 252

During the holiday season we are suppose to be happy and joyous. This is the time of the year when families come together to eat, give present to each other, be thankful for each other, and just plain old love on each other. Well, at least that is what the media tells us that we should be doing. But my question is, how do you do all of this and still stay on track with your weight lost plans? Great question, and I have been asking myself that question every day of this month thus far.

So, let me start by saying that I have gain almost 1lb (0.6lbs), and I am soooooo disappointed with myself. I know what some of you are thinking, come on it is not even a pound. But for someone that has been on this journey for years 0.6lbs up is a big thing, because that could start a downward spiral and cause a person to collapse and just gain all the weight back.

Now, I am not saying that is what has happened but I am saying that it has caused me to lose some focus. So, being who I am I began to question why am I losing focus now? And I think it is because of the holiday season. This was the time when I would go home and lay under my family (my mother, sister, aunt, cousin, etc.), but I haven’t been home in years. And the reason that I have not been home in years is because my mother, my best friend in this whole world, is no longer here in the flesh with me. I grieve her every day, and it gets worst during the holiday season. During this time of the year I just fell alone and lost. And all I want to do is eat. So, I do and I feel better for a moment but that moment quickly goes away. So, instead of me doing what I would normally do I decided to search within myself for the answer.   And this week I have really been trying to listen to my body and hear what it is trying to tell me, and what I believe that I am hearing is that I still miss my mother. I miss her and it is having an affect on my weight loss journey.

Don’t be fooled to think that grieve for something or someone will not affect you in your life, because you would be lying to yourself. Like I stated in my previous post about grieving, it never truly goes away. It will get better, and you will be able to deal with it but it will also affect you. And when we all recognized that and accept it we can grow from what the grieve has to teach us. I am not happy that my mother, my best friend, had to leave me so soon. But what I am thankful for is that I have the opportunity to have a mother that loved me unconditionally. She was proud of me even when I made mistakes. She was my biggest supporter and my toughest critique. But I knew and know she loved me no matter what.

Yes, I am disappointed that the scale went up instead of down, but I am not going to quit and throw in the towel on this journey. My mommy would not like that, she would say the winners never quit and quitter never win; so which one are you. She would also say that she is proud of me for even attempting to lose weight, to acknowledge that I have a weakness for cakes and cookies, sweets in general because most people would lie to themselves and continue to do what they have been doing.

I ask my self that question everyday, which one am I? So, now I am asking you; which one are you? There are something in this life that we must fight for, and right now I am fight to lose weight; which will lead to something bigger. Which one are you? And what are you fighting for? I am up now but I will be down, and I will reach my weight lost goal…..

Please share your own personal stories of lost and triumph. Until next time…


My Weight Lost Journey: Day 233

The weight loss process is said to be an up and down process, and I am here to tell you that the statement is soooooo very true. Since I have been doing Weight Watchers my weight has gone up and down, but mostly down (which is what I want), but when it goes up I question myself, I question what am I doing wrong and what should I change. Of course when I lose weight I am motivated to keep up the hard work, to keep pressing forward and remain focus on my weight lost goals. The up and down process of losing weight brings about different emotions and thoughts that I really did not pay attention until I started Weight Watchers, which I think is a good thing because I am more aware of my thoughts now. But when you hit a plateau what do you do?

Plateau is defined as a period when something does not increase or advance any further; an when this happens to someone losing weight it can be very frustrating and disappointing. Well, at least for me it has been very frustrating and disappointing because I feel that I am working hard to lose this weight. Even though I am frustrated, I am also looking within because it is something that I am doing or not doing that has caused me to hit a plateau. And you know what I uncovered-that I am fearful of what is going to happen when I lose all of the weight. And with that aha moment that I realized that sometimes we sabbotage ourselves because we maybe fearful of what’s coming, fearful of change.
So, the question on hand is what do you do? How do you over come the plateau phase of weight lost? And the only answer that I have for you, as well as myself, is to stay focus on your goals. From going to the meetings I have learned that this phase is all apart of weight lost because your body begins to become use to what you are doing and makes adjustments. I must remain focus, so that means that I must workout on the scheduled days (no excuses), and I must manage my points better and make better food choices. Because the reality is that it is up to me to make the Weight Watchers program work for me, and if I don’t reach my weight lost goal that it is my fault. There will be ups, downs, and plateaus but if I stay focus on my goals they will come true.
In short, being in the plateau phase sucks, but I am in the plateau phase and a while ago I was just in he depression phase. I am doing something about what I don’t like and don’t want so I am proud of myself for that. And this to shall pass…..Please share your own story of overcoming a difficult situation or just let me know what you think. Until next time……

The feeling that I will feel when I reach my goals….

My Weight Loss Journey: Day 191

I am happy to announce to you all that as of yesterday I lost 25lbs (lost 10% of my body fat);  which means that I achieved my 4th personal weight lost goal. I am currently in a size 16, so I am down 2 pants sizes and I am so happy about my accomplishments thus far. I have a birthday coming up and I am so happy that I am the size I use to be, but I don’t want to stay this size for the rest of my life and with Weight Watchers I actually believe that I can reach my weight lost goal. I my previous posting I stated that this month I would be answering questions that were given to me by Weight Watchers in an attempt to go deeper, and I have been doing just that. So far, I have realized that I am causing my weight gain because I don’t believe that I should be smaller, and that is probably because I have always been a big girl. Me being overweight is a mind thing (I see myself as being over weight). What’s funny is that every person that is over weight always say the same thing-I have always been a big girl/boy so this is just who I am. They come to accept their unhealthy self as how it is suppose to be. And this is so far from the truth. The reality is I am overweight (225lbs at a height of 5’7″), but the truth is I am born to prosper even as my soul prospers-meaning my soul has to know the truth in order for the truth to become reality. 
Question posed by Weight Watchers: What’s limiting your belief that you can be successful? My answer is that I think that I don’t have self control concerning certain foods (sweets), so therefore I don’t think that I will be successful in losing weight. 
Question posed by Weight Watchers: How will you change it to an Empowering Belief? My answer is that I will find a scripture that tells me the truth about self-control and mediate on it until the word is embedded into my heart and changes the reality. The scripture that I chose is Galatians 5:22-26. This scripture talks about the fruit of the spirit and temperament (self-control) is one of the fruit of the spirit that believers have within. So, the truth is that I have self-control but because of years not knowing the truth about my spirit I believed that I had no self-control, so I gained weight. 
My ah ha moment for weight lost and gain is that it is all in the mind, and what you believe in your heart will become your reality-so I need to know the truth because it will make me free. I have to continue to dig deeper into the why behind my weight gain because I don’t want to ever be this big again. Please share your thoughts and advice, or share your own ah ha moments that you have uncovered on your own personal journey. Until next time……  

Gift from Weight Watchers for losing 25lbs

One of my motivating factors-Lee A. Smth, V