Hey All,
When we last talked I was explaining how important it is for us to forgive the people that have hurt us. Well, I am finding out that it is not a feeling that you have, but it is a choice you make. I am now searching my bible for scriptures on why I must forgive, and what I have found out is that it’s a law from God that He places in our hearts to protect us. Once I decided to truly follow God, I decided that I just can’t pick and choose what I wanted to follow I had to follow His word. I chose to do that because God so loved me that He gave His only son for me, and He forgave me for my sins. Forgiveness is a law that protects you and me, it allows us to move forward in life, and it allows us to whole heartily receive the promises that God has for us. Once you really truly forgive someone it amazing what will open up for you. So, let all chose to forgive and not be offended. Because God has something special He wants to do with you and for you, but your heart has to be right. Please, don’t take my word for it try Him and see if He will not open up the window from heaven and pour out blessings that you can’t imagine. Try Him…..
Until we met agian, I am out. The Blessed One……