My Traveling Friends today I want to talk to you all about something that I discovered while having fun at a water park this summer with my son. That’s right, I gained some insight about life’s journey at a water park, lol…
Before I get into the specifics I must give you all some general information that will help you to understand this post a little better. I am going to be talking about living life/experiencing life/making mistakes/taking chances as the currents of life, because these situations are always in motion just like the currents of the water. And in this post I will be talking about second chances, opportunities, and break times as life lines.
So, simply stated:
- The currents of life = living life, experiencing life, making mistakes, and taking chances.
- The life lines of life = second chances, opportunities, and break times.
Truth time guys, for so many years I have played it safe and did exactly what I was told. I was told to go to school, get a good stable job, get married and have a kid. I was told to act like a lady at all times (whatever that means), and not to be too loud. I was told I had to wear a certain dress size to be considered beautiful, and I was also told how I should wear my hair. And for the most part I did it, I did it all hoping to experience life and to have the “American Dream”.

But the truth is my traveling friends, I was apart of the 80% of the world that NEVER goes after their dreams. I lived my life simply following the rules given to me. And I found myself feeling hopeless, and unfulfilled because I was not really Living MY life I was living a life that other people told me to live. I was faking it until I made it, but guess what guys, I never made it. Because if you don’t actually live your life in an authentic way you will never make it. I was so sick of playing it safe, and after 2018 I decided to find me and that required me to Live MY Life on MY OWN terms with NO APOLOGIES…
Now, I know you all are think – Jeanine how did you start to live your life on your own terms? And the answer is simple – I STOP lying to myself, I start listening to myself, and I begin to figure out what I like by Trying New and Different things. I start taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone to figure out what I like Now and who I was NOW…

And because of this eye opening awareness, in 2021 I find myself experiencing a couple of first. And it was those first that were eye opening, exciting, and scary all at the same time. I have never seen the circus in person. But I have always made plans to attend the circus I have just always found a way to talk myself out of going to the circus. This year I decided to go to the circus, and I went with my son. So, we both experienced a first this year. While at the circus (a current of life) I noticed that my son was not really enjoying the circus and that was because his teammate at the time (me, his mother) was not really present in the moment.

Now, this post is all about life’s currents and life lines, and my life line during this situation was seeing my son sitting beside me looking uninterested, which caused me to question what was I doing that was influencing his overall experience. And the answer was, I was all about capturing to perfect picture instead of actually being in the perfect moment and experiencing the entire moment (awareness was my life line). Once I realized just how my actions were influencing my son’s experience I put the phone away and connected with my son in the moment. And we both began to really enjoy the circus.
A moment at the circus…
My next life experience (life current) involves the water park. And it is at the water park where I was aware that in order to live your best life, you have to actually live life in full color and in doing so you will experiences ups and downs, ins and outs, but somehow it will all be alright (receive life lines).

Look at my son, he is soooooo excited to go to Rainbow Falls, but me on the other hand I was a little nervous and anxious because I was meeting up with parents of my son’s friend. And all I was thinking about was what an old friend told me before our friendship ended – that I was not a good friend because I did not know how to be a friend. So, of course this thought is causing me to not want to go to the water park, but look at my son’s face how could I not go. So, we went to experience the waterpark together for the first time.

When I arrived at the water park I was so nervous about meeting the other moms, but I told myself that I am just going to be me. And that would have to be enough. Oddly enough guys, it was. I had a great time getting to know the other moms, and meeting up at Rainbow Falls Waterpark became a thing for us. Guys, I was making new friends, totally stepping out of my comfort zone and opening up to what the world has for me.
So, on my next trip to the water park I decided to take a big risk (a life current) and I was terrified. I decided to go down the water slide known as the towel bowel slide. Guys, at the end of this slide was a 7 feet deep pool and during the drop water is falling in your face as you try to come up out of the water. And as I walked closer and closer to the slide I felt more fear but I told myself to feel the fear and do it anyway. Because in life I MUST learn how to feel my fear and move forward anyway.
Guys, in that moment that very scary slide represented life and really living it. When we really live our life fear will come, we must learn how to feel the fear and still move forward with our life. So, I moved forward until I was at the opening of the slide. Now, at this point I could have turned back and said no I am too scare, but I decided to go down the slide anyway.
Guys, let me tell you, babyyyyyyy – when I hit that water and went under I just knew this was it I was about to drown in this pool. Now, I know you guys are thinking, why did you go on this slide if you could not swim? Well, I can swim a little bit and I thought I would be okay, but the fear took over and I was panicking. But as I was trying to come up I heard within myself a voice say calm down and kick up. But because I could feel the ground I start to panic more, and then I hear the voice say clam down so I can help you. And just in that moment I felt the life guard’s board so I grabbed it. And then I heard to life guard say I got you and I am going to move you through the water to the steps.
OMG…. guys, when I got out of the water and regained my breath I heard the Lord say don’t stop living your life because you are scared that you may fall, I will always send you a life line to save you. Don’t Worry Just Go With and Through Life’s Currents because I will NEVER LET YOU FALL..
Okay guys my take overall take away from my summer life experiences was to keep living my life and trust that a life line will be presented to me. Sometimes that current will be easy to go with and sometimes the current will bring up fear or doubt but as long as I am aware of my feelings and still move forward, God Will Not, Is Not Going to let me fall – HE Will give me a life line.

Guys, keep living your life UNAPOLOGETICALLY… Trust GOD because HE will never let you fall….
Okay guys I will talk to you all later…
Until next time remember that Life Is But A Journey…