ZUMBA, ZUMBA, ZUMBA…….. If you have been traveling with me on this journey you would know that I next fitness class for the month was Zumba. And yes I took the class and I was very surprised. Okay let me explain what I mean by I was surprised. Continue reading “My Weight Loss Journey: 675 Days-1 Year and 343 Days”
Category: Biggest Loser
My Weight Loss Journey: 665 Days-1 Year and 333Days
Okay guys, welcome to my new home. As I told you all, this year is about stepping out of my comfort zone, and believe me when I say making this change was big step out of my comfort zone, and I have to say that I was able to take that leap because of my weight loss journey. As you can see I have been on this journey for a while now, and I must say that I have been tested, and scared, and push down so many times on this weight loss journey; but I have the strength to continue to get up and continue to move forward. So, before I get into my story I would like to thank you all for your continue support and patience during my transition. Okay, enough of that now time for the nitty gritty-my final hip hop fitness class (what happened?).
My last hip hop fitness class was on Thursday, February 11, 2016, and I and so much fun. I actually learned the moves and I was able to add my own flavor to the moves. The first day I went I just knew that I was going to look a hot mess, and I was right. But I was able to catch on the moves quickly-but I stilled looked a mess. The second class I was less nervous, and the women in the group actually stared to talk to me; so I was becoming a part of the group. By the third class, I felt like a pro and that I belonged in the class. I was so comfortable in the class that I took picture of myself. Not only did I feel comfortable, but I was looking forward to the class on Thursday because that class was like my little get away from the stress of the world. And then the fourth class came I was happy and sad all at the same time. I was happy because I did not quit because of my fears and I was sad because it was the last class. During this class I noticed that I was really confident in myself, and even when I messed up (and I did) I did not feel like I was a hot mess; I stop watched and jumped right back into it.
So, what did I learn from attending the hip hop fitness class (taking a leap and doing something new)? I learned that walking by faith can feel scary, but my God did not give me a spirit of fear, but once you actually take that first step by faith that the fear will go. I also learn that I can do anything that I put my mind to, and that it is okay to be myself. The first class that I attended I tried to dance just like to instructor of the class, but as I continued to go to the class I began to be myself. And when I was just me I had more fun in the class, then when I was trying to imitate the instructor. I learned that I just have to continue to move forward and not look back. Even though I am a little sad that I am not going to the hip hop fitness class anymore, I am so excited to attend my next fitness class-ZUMBA…..
Weight loss is a journey that is ever changing, and that somethings on this journey I can control but somethings may fall out of my control and that is okay. As long as I continue to move forward I will reach my weight loss goal (life goals). Please continue to travel with me on this up and down journey, as I continue to step out of my comfort zone. Please share your own personal journey. Until next time keep moving forward…….
Please check out Shop JAccessories to buy some cute bracelets. And please visit my booster page to help me bring awareness to obesity and the effects of obesity.
My Weight Lost Journey: Day 638- 1 Year and 306 Days

I know that you all have been waiting for my update on my how my first Hip Hop Class went, and I am soooooooo happy to say that it went good. Of course you all know that I was sooooooooo excited and nervous all at the same time, because it was something new and different. Not knowing what to expect makes you think of the worst that could happen.
So, what did I expect when I went to the class- I expected to see these super tone and really good dancers and I would be in the class just looking a hot mess. But that was soooooooooo far from the truth. I walked into the fitness studio and I saw an array of people that ranged from young to old, and they all where on different levels of fitness; which helped to calm me down and just do me and have fun. I really felt like I belonged there and that I would be able to catch on quickly to the steps. I felt good about myself, which is important when you are trying something new. And then the music started and I thought here I go no turning back, and I began to do the dance steps-and I felt good.
Doing this class has motivated me to want to just move, and that includes doing my regular workouts. Just being around like minded people also motivated me to want to keep pushing forward on this journey. I heard somewhere that it is so easy to give up when it gets hard, and it is true. Last year during the times when I was going up and down on this journey the days I was going down I just wanted to keep going down because I was already moving in that direction. But then I would get around like minded people (a Weight Watchers’ Meeting) and I would get back focus. However, taking that step to refocus was harder than losing the focus. So, the take away from this blog post, at least I hope the take away will be, try new things because staying in one place can cause you to lose focus on the over goal. Also, get around people who are striving to achieve things in life because that will inspire you to want more for yourself. Remember change is good and when we learn how to embrace change we will get so much further in life.
I had so much fun at my Hip Hop Fitness Class and I can’t wait to go to the next class this Thursday. My journey continues… Until next time…….. Please visit my health awareness page for information on obesity. And visit my booster page to help me bring more awareness to obesity.
My Weight Lost Journey: Day 632-1 Year and 299 Days

Even though I am working out consistently and adding more cardio into my activity, the other part of the weight lost journey (for anyone and everyone) is the nutrition piece. I still believe that I should be able to eat things that I like to eat, but I have to remember to be mindful of what I am putting in my mouth and not go overboard with the foods I know cause me trouble. Because it’s the going overboard that gets me in trouble. I have also started to add more veggies and fruits into my diet. I switch out my ice cream with fruit, so my fruit has become my dessert. But that does not mean that I don’t eat ice cream (I make better decisions concerning the ice cream). So, if you don’t take anything away from this post take this-NUTRITION is KEY in Losing WEIGHT…… The reason that I say that is because I can run and do all of the activity that I am able to do, but if I don’t monitor what I am putting in my mouth the activity will not do to much. I know this to be true because at the end of 2015 that is what I was doing and I was gaining weight not losing. Again-NUTRITION is KEY.
Well guys, my first hip hop class is this Thursday, so wish me luck. And I can’t wait to hear about you guys stepping out of your comfort zones to get to the places you want to be in your life. Until next time…….
My Weight Loss Journey: Day 626-1 Year and 293 Days
Well, first let me wish you all a happy new year. I really hope that it has gotten off to a great start. 2014 was the year that I admitted that I need help with losing weight. 2015 was the year I realized that the mind is truly where weight loss takes place. 2016 is the year that I must step out of my comfort zone, get outside of my little box, stretch myself so I can reach the purpose that God has for me. So, this year I will try 12 different types of activities/workouts. And I actually got this idea from a close friend, she will be eating 12 different types of veggies (veggies that she would never pick) and blog about it. And I said to myself that is a good idea, so decided to do 12 different activities/workouts ( I will also be doing my regular workouts) 1 different workout/activity each month.
Now I know some of you may be saying, why don’t you just continue to do what you are doing because you are losing weight in spite of the small set backs. And my answer to that is that God wants me to be a blessing to this world and that will require me to do things that will feel uncomfortable to my flesh, and I might not do it. I think that by doing this (stepping out of my workout comfort zone) it will help me to train my flesh and grow my faith. I have a purpose that I was born to complete, and only I can complete it. But if my soul is not prospering it will be very difficult for my body to prosper. Stepping out on faith requires us to step out of our comfort zone (step outside of the box) but the end result of it is you being blessed to be a blessing. Don’t you want to be BLESSED!!!!!!! I know that I do. I am tried of being in the same spot while other people are taking chances and the risk they are taking pays off big. Just think about all of those people that went on the Biggest Loser or Extreme Weight Lost;they stepped out of the box and look at how they were blessed and now they can do more for this world because they stepped out of the box. I know that I watched both show and I would always say to myself if they can do it so can I, but I did not want to be uncomfortable. Until one day I just took one step, and that step has lead me here weighting 226 lbs. I have lost 30 lbs because of that 1 step. But I have more weight to lose and I feel like I have to shake it up do something different so I can get a better result. And trust me I am soooooooo nervous about it. I like doing things by myself, but that is a comfort zone for me.
So, I have decided that I am going to do a cardio class by myself. And what I mean about that is that I am not going to ask a friend to go with me so I can have support, I am going to let God be my support. So, guys make a decision to step outside of your comfort zone so you can get your blessing and be a blessing because you can’t afford to remain in that comfortable place. At least I know I can’t afford to stay in this comfortable place because I have a purpose to complete because millions are waiting. My weight loss is not just about me- it’s about my family, you guys, it’s about being a blessing to this world. I can’t wait to share this journey with you all and please, please, please share your journey’s with me also. We can motivate and inspire each other. Until next time….#OutofYourComfortZone
**Please stop by my booster page to help me bring more awareness to Obesity. Obesity is a growing heath condition and the only way to stop it is if we all understand it because it is not just the reallllyyyyyy fat person that is at the buffet, it could also be the 180lbs person that you work with (because they have a BMI of 38%).. God says that His people perish because of a lack of knowledge, let’s not perish, let’s get the knowledge…. Visit me health awareness page to get more facts, and visit my booster page to buy a shirt to help raise funds for Obesity Awareness…….