First let me acknowledge a huge milestone for myself, I have been on my weight lost journey for 2 years now and I am very proud of myself. This journey has been a roller coaster, both emotionally and physically, yet I have been consistently monitoring and tracking my points, and working out. So, congrats to me for making it to 2 years and 1 step closer to my weight lost goal. And now for my workout update, and let me tell you this class was not what I thought at all.
So, I get to the class a little early because it was a new class and I wanted to be comfortable and not have a feeling of rushing. When I get there I see one other person, and then another person showed up, and then 7:00pm showed up-time to go in. But where is the instructor of the class I begin to wonder, and then I started to get a little worried that maybe they canceled the class and did not post it-now what…… But I was wrong, because rushing in comes a short and very fit women rushing in all while she is explaining that she is the sub for the class. SUB?????? Now I am like okay how is this going to be because this is not even the instructor of the class. The sub again explained that she was the sub and that we would be doing turbo boxing, and that it is similar to piloxing (the class that I thought I was taking) but without the dancing portion. So, I was like okay how hard can this be. Oh MY GOD?????????? How hard was the question of the day…. It was a new challenge that my body was not use to, and that is why it was hard.
Other than being hard/challenging how did I do you may be wondering, and I must say that I did okay. Of course I thought I looked a hot mess, but I kept up with the pace of the instructor, and I was happy about that. The class started off with a warm up, and this warm up was not like the warm ups in pervious classes I took at the Recplex, I was actually sweating during the warm up. Than the instructor said to the class, okay guys let’s get started, and I was like okay this is a workout class. Even though I was not a regular to the class, my body was a regular to working out, so I was excite for the challenge of the class. The actual workout routine began and as we began more people came in, and they came in ready to go. During the class I found myself comparing myself with the other people in the class, and I notice when I do that I lose my focus because I am trying to do the steps like the other people in the class. Message: We all need to stop comparing ourselves with other people because we will lose focus on what God has for us. When I saw that I was losing focus I said to myself Jeanine focus on you and do you. When I began to just focus on me I was on pace with the instructor, and that made me feel good about myself.
After the class was over I was so proud of myself for getting through the class. I thought to myself, now that was a really good class and I do believe that I will be sore in the morning. I also overheard some of the other participants of the class say that they really enjoyed to class also. So, my take away from this experience is that I must always remain open minded to things. I have found that when I am open minded to things I am less stressed and things just flow. And I need to stop comparing myself to other people. When I compare myself to other people, no matter what it may be, I start to doubt me and my abilities. God made me prefect and in His image, He did not give me a spirit of fear (and doubt is fear). So, I can do anything that I put my mind to. The process of getting there may not look pretty, but it will be done right and with love. I have to remind myself of that everytime I see a super fit person, or when I see really successful people. Doubt will hold you back if you let it, and I can’t continue to let it stop me from having the life God has for me.
So, I am going to continue to listen to God lead me on my journey, and not look at how far I have to go. I need to focus on God’s word because that will enable me to focus on me and what I need to do. Life is a journey, but the good thing about it is that we know how it ends, how it began, and if we listen to God, we will know how to travel. Remember that you are not alone. Until next time……
**Please check out my shop page (JAccessories) to purchase a cool bracelet for the spring….**