My Weight Lost Journey: 697 Days-2Years

First let me acknowledge a huge milestone for myself, I have been on my weight lost journey for 2 years now and I am very proud of myself. This journey has been a roller coaster, both emotionally and physically, yet I have been consistently monitoring and tracking my points, and working out. So, congrats to me for making it to 2 years and 1 step closer to my weight lost goal. And now for my workout update, and let me tell you this class was not what I thought at all. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 697 Days-2Years”

My Weight Lost Journey: Day 464-1 Year and 99 Days

It has been a while since my last posting and I have a lot to share with you all. First let me share with you guys that I currently weigh 217.8 lbs, and I have lost a total of 36.6 lbs. For a while I was gaining weight and it was so frustrating. However, I figured out that I just needed to have some self control during the late nights and once I cut out the late night snacks (that costed points) the pounds started to come off again. I am so excited to see the numbers go down and to have figured out what I was doing wrong. But I also have another exciting update for you all; I just completed my first 5k run/walk race.

I decided to do a 5k after talking with a co-worker who has been doing them for a while, and at the beginning of the year I signed up for the 5k in my neighborhood (Super Strive For 5 given by the Mount Prospect Park District). When I submitted the application to register for the race I was excited and very nervous, so I keep it to myself for awhile. After I signed up I also began to do some research on how to train for a 5k, because I did not want to hurt myself trying to run this race. I came across a blog by Jason Fitzgerald ( He discussed different types of exercises that I would need to do in order to strengthen my core. Jason stated that he had been doing this routine since college, and he simply called it the Standard Core Routine. See below for the 6 exercises that I did based off of the advise of Jason:

  •  The Modified Bicycle
  • Plank
  • Bridge
  • Side Plank
  • Modified Bird Dog
  • Supine Leg Lift
I liked the routine because I did not need any equipment to perform them, I only needed myself and time. So, I began training for the 5k in February, and that is when it was real for me-when I began to train for it. For 6 days a week I would go work out (trying to get ready for the 5k) doing cardio training, weight training, and core strengthening. Some days I was physically tried, but I could push through that and I did. The days when I was mentally tried were harder to push through, but some how I did. I had to keep telling myself just take it one day at a time, and don’t focus on the time just know that you are getting stronger. I trained and trained and finally the day came when I was to race. I was soooooo nervous because I wanted to do good because my family was going to be there, and also because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I was soooo out of my comfort zone that it was funny. But I have to learn to step out of my comfort zone if I want to grow and move forward in life. On Saturday, June 13, 2015 I completed my first 5k run/walk race in 40:48.3 minutes, I came in 13th place for my age group, and my pace was 13.10/m. After I crossed the finish line I felt great. I felt really strong and powerful; I felt like I could do anything. I also wanted to cry because I was sooooo happy that I actually completed the race, and I completed it strong.
I really had fun and I plan on doing another 5k race, I will keep you guys posted. But if you are interested in running a 5k please check out Jason Fitzgerald’s blog to gain more information and a plan. And also know that you can do it and it is totally worth it. Until next time….
Completed My First 5k Run/Walk