Insecurity: What, Why, and How?

Welcome back guys. And so the journey of self growth and acceptance continues. I am so happy to have you guys return to share in this journey that is called life. You all know that we are all connect in more ways than one, and for that reason  I will continue to share my story with you guys. Because it is important  that we all know that we are not alone, everyone of us goes through good and bad times, and it is those experiences that shapes our journey. And with that being said, let me introduce to you all a topic that so many people (including myself) go through at one point in their life – insecurity. In this post I want to explain what insecurity is, why people experience insecurity, and how can we overcome insecurity. Now let’s dive in…. Continue reading “Insecurity: What, Why, and How?”

Offenses and Storms Will Come


The foundation scripture for this article is John 16:33 and once you guys completely read through the article post you all will understand why this is the anchor for this post.

Welcome back guys. I really hope that you all have been enjoying my  articles, but most importantly I hope that you all realize that YOU are apart of MY TRIBE and that means that you are not alone — you guys are never alone on your journey called life. There are so many ups and downs on this journey, and the key to getting through it is to realize what you truly have control over and what you don’t have control over. Once you figure that out, you now have the power to make changes and do some things differently.  Because like the title says — offenses and storms will come — what will you do to get through them? Now let’s get started. Continue reading “Offenses and Storms Will Come”

The Source

Philippians 4:19 (NIV): And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

The above scripture has become a foundation scripture for me this year and I will explain to you why. As most of you guys know last year was a very hard year for me, I experienced a lot of lost, pain, and self realization. So this year I told myself that I MUST be honest and truthful with myself, no matter how painful it may be. Because you can’t heal what you can’t talk about, and in order for me to heal the broken places in my soul I must face the pain, and forgive myself and all of the people that may have hurt me. Well, let’s get started with me facing the truth about myself, and being transparent to you all. A lot of people may wonder why I am doing this and the answer is – I want you all to know that you are not alone. I hope that by me sharing my personal mistakes that maybe you guys will see yourself and learn from what I did wrong, so you can take a different path. Continue reading “The Source”

The Journey

Hi guys, 2018 is quickly coming to an end and in comes a whole new-2019. 2019 is another trip or chapter in my journey (and your journey). But and at the tail end of the year 2018 I wanted to share with you all my 2018 trip/ chapter of my journey. I do believe that this may be one of the hardest post that I have ever written thus far, but I wanted to share my truth because I know that it may help someone else on their journey.  Continue reading “The Journey”

Blue Plates and Diet Pills

While on this weight lost journey I have tried many different things with hopes that they would help me lose weight. However, most of the trendy gimmicks just did not work for me. But one day I was watch tv and I heard that if you eat off of blue plates that you will eat less food. So, I went out and brought two blue small plates. I have noticed that when I eat off of the blue plate I feel fuller. I normally don’t want to go back for a second portion of food when I eat off of a blue plate. Research shows that eating off of blue plates, or bold colored plates, probably makes the portion looks larger which makes it stands out more than it does on a lighter plate, where it just blends in. And because the portions look larger your mind is tricked into thinking that you have more than you actually have; and thus you end up just eating less food. Continue reading “Blue Plates and Diet Pills”

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 295 Days

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! We made it into 2017, and that is something that we all need to thank the Lord for because soooooooo many people did not make it into 2017. Thank you Lord for ordering our step through 2016 and into 2017, and I pray that you continue to order our steps in 2017. I know that it has been awhile since my last post and I now that you all are wondering what has happen with me on this journey. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 295 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 246 Days



Hey guys. I know that it has been a while, a long while, since I lasted updated you all on my progress. Please forgive me for my delay, but you all know that life happens, and that is pretty much what has been happening-LIFE… Nevertheless, I am still on my weight lost journey in spite of life happening to me. So, what’s been up you may ask? How is everything going-are you still working out and losing weight? And my answer to that is yes and no. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 246 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: A Date With Myself


Hey guys… I know, long time no hear from and I know that you all have been waiting for my updates. Well, I have a lot to share with you all and I hope my journey will help you on your journey. So, as you probably can tell from the title, I went on a date with myself. I know a lot of people would say why would you want to go on a date by your self? And my response to that question is-if I can’t be alone with myself how can I except someone else to be with me? Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: A Date With Myself”

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 82 Days


Hey guys, I am back. I know that you all have been waiting to hear from me since my last video posting. And I have been trying to find the time to let you all know how my journey has been going, in spite of big life changing events. So, my 5k run/walk race is 10 days away (how time flies), and I have managed to make time to train for it. Not as often as I would have liked, but I have been getting in some training for the run. So, I know you all are wondering what type of exercises have I been doing to get ready for my run; since that was the topic of my video post. And I think you all will be a little surprised that my workouts don’t just consist of running. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 82 Days”

My Weight Loss Journey: 675 Days-1 Year and 343 Days

ZUMBA, ZUMBA, ZUMBA…….. If you have been traveling with me on this journey you would know that I next fitness class for the month was Zumba. And yes I took the class and I was very surprised. Okay let me explain what I mean by I was surprised. Continue reading “My Weight Loss Journey: 675 Days-1 Year and 343 Days”