From Delulu to Doable: How to Drop Unrealistic Expectations and Actually Make Progress…

Ever felt like you should have your whole life figured out by now? Like, you should already have the dream career, perfect body, Pinterest-worthy home, and the ability to wake up at 5 AM for meditation, journaling, and a green smoothie—every single day? Yeah, that’s an unrealistic expectation. Unrealistic expectations trick us into believing we should be superhuman, and when reality doesn’t match up, we’re left feeling like we’ve failed. The problem isn’t you—it’s the impossible standards that leave you exhausted, frustrated and stuck in a cycle of disappointment.

One common belief that leads to setting unrealistic expectations is thinking, “If I just try harder, I can make everything perfect.” But perfection isn’t real, and trying harder won’t magically create an ideal life overnight. Instead, it creates stress, self-doubt, and burnout. The truth is, success (and happiness) comes from consistency, not perfection. So, what’s the solution? Start by setting realistic expectations. Break big goals into small, achievable steps, and celebrate progress instead of perfection. Life isn’t about getting everything right—it’s about growing and learning along the way.

Now, it’s time for a little self-reflection! Grab a journal and write about where you’ve been setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. What impossible standards have been holding you back? Once you’ve uncovered them, pick one small, doable step toward your goal—something simple, like dedicating 10 minutes to a new habit instead of an hour. The key is action, not overwhelm! Let go of the pressure and start embracing progress over perfection.

Until Next Time Remember That Life Is But A Journey…

Insecurity: What, Why, and How?

Welcome back guys. And so the journey of self growth and acceptance continues. I am so happy to have you guys return to share in this journey that is called life. You all know that we are all connect in more ways than one, and for that reason  I will continue to share my story with you guys. Because it is important  that we all know that we are not alone, everyone of us goes through good and bad times, and it is those experiences that shapes our journey. And with that being said, let me introduce to you all a topic that so many people (including myself) go through at one point in their life – insecurity. In this post I want to explain what insecurity is, why people experience insecurity, and how can we overcome insecurity. Now let’s dive in…. Continue reading “Insecurity: What, Why, and How?”

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 246 Days



Hey guys. I know that it has been a while, a long while, since I lasted updated you all on my progress. Please forgive me for my delay, but you all know that life happens, and that is pretty much what has been happening-LIFE… Nevertheless, I am still on my weight lost journey in spite of life happening to me. So, what’s been up you may ask? How is everything going-are you still working out and losing weight? And my answer to that is yes and no. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 246 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 82 Days


Hey guys, I am back. I know that you all have been waiting to hear from me since my last video posting. And I have been trying to find the time to let you all know how my journey has been going, in spite of big life changing events. So, my 5k run/walk race is 10 days away (how time flies), and I have managed to make time to train for it. Not as often as I would have liked, but I have been getting in some training for the run. So, I know you all are wondering what type of exercises have I been doing to get ready for my run; since that was the topic of my video post. And I think you all will be a little surprised that my workouts don’t just consist of running. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 82 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: 694 Days-1Year 362 Days

Guys, I have so much to talk about that I don’t know where to start. So, I guess I should start at the beginning right? Right…. Well, guys I was laid off from my job of 11 years (Westwood College closed their doors). Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 694 Days-1Year 362 Days”

My Weight Loss Journey: 504 Days-1 Year and 140 Days

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Image result for pictures showing motivation

I know that you all want to know how I have been doing since I ran my first 5k, and I have to say that I have not been doing so good with my journey.
For some reason I am mentally blocked with my workouts and my nutrition. The journey has become a chore mentally which has caused me to not want to do it anymore. So, I am finding myself eating foods that I know I should not eat, and I don’t care. But then I go to a Weight Watchers Meeting and I am up on my weight; and then I feel bad and guilty for eating the foods that I ate and for not working out which makes me want to just eat. But then I leave the meeting motivated to do better, but then I hear a voice telling me that I am never going to be able to lose the weight so why try. And the negative cycle continues. I have been feeling like this ever since I ran my 5k and I have not been able to shake it off. I am not sure what is going on with me and I am not sure why this is happening, but what I do know is that I like wearing smaller clothes, and I like being able to walk up the stairs at my complex and not get winded, and I really liked the fact that I ran a 5k. So, why have I been mentally blocked as it concerns my weight loss, and how do I get over it?

The last time I was this close to my weight loss goal I was in graduate school and I was so focused on health and being healthy that it was easy to go and workout, but then I joined the real world and my focus changed to paying bills, and becoming a grown-up. I now have a family to think about, and I want to be around a long time, so my focus is just wanting to be healthy, looking good is just a bonus. But lately my major focus (my family) has not been able to motivate me to want to stay on track, and I find myself not caring about my weight loss journey. It all just feels like a big, boring chore; it’s not fun anymore and I am not getting motivated by wearing smaller clothes, or getting compliments. What’s happening and how do I get over this obstacle, because I have come to far to just go back to how I was-depress, sad, really over weight, and just not healthy? Well, I don’t know the answer to my question but what I do know is that I plan to continue to go to my Weight Watchers meeting, tracking what I am eating, and working out, in spite of feeling like it is a chore. Maybe, just maybe, the motivation will come back and I will want to continue to workout and make better food choices and not feel like it is a chore.  

If anybody has any advice on how I can move pass this feeling I am open to suggestions, and if you are feeling the same way please know that you are not alone and it is a mental thing and we will get pass it and back on track, just don’t give up. I am telling myself the same thing too…;postID=3448776774907382198;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=postname

Until next time……

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