Escape the Desperation Trap: Find Your Confidence Today…

My Traveling Friends, there was a man named Jack who felt really desperate in his life. He had lost just lost his job, his family was struggling, and he didn’t have enough money topay the bills. Every day felt like a race against time, and he didn’t know how to make things better. He started to feel like there was no hope and no way out of his situations.

Guys, this story made be fiction, and yet for millions of individuals this is the story of their life. There are individuals out there that have just lost their jobs, struggling to make ends meet, going through a divorce, dating and so badly wanting to be married, etc… And they are allowing the feelings of desperation dictate their behaviors, which is creating and recreating a life that continues to feel hopeless.

Is this your story too? Have you ever felt like Jack? What did you do to try to fix it? Or maybe you didn’t have a clue where to start.

If you are reading this blog that means it found you and this information will be the start of you seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s talk…

Being desperate means feeling like you need something so babdly that you’ll do almost anything to get it. It’s when you feel like you have no options left and you’re willing to take any chance to fix your problem. Being desperate in life maeans feeling trapped and hopless in different parts of your life. It can make you do things that aren’t good for you because you’re trying to solve your problems quickly. All in an effort to get out of the pain of desperation.

Let’s look at some examples:

  1. Career: Imagine you’re working really hard at your job, but you’re not getting the promotion you desire. You start feeling desperate. You just might quit your jobs without having another job lined up or you may start taking on too much work trying to impress your boss.
  2. Friendship Issues: If you’re feeling lonely, you might do anything to make friends. This could mean
  3. Money Problems: Imagine you really need money to pay for something important. You might take a job you don’t like or even think about borrowing money frompeople you shouldn’t, just to solve the problem fast.

One big belief that makes people act desperately is thinking, “I’m not good enough.” When you believe this, you feel like you have to prove yourself all the time, which can lead to making bad choice just to show that you’re worthy and to get approval from others.

Feeling desperate can make life really hard and it doesn’t have to be a part of your life forever. You can learn how to handle tough situations better and make smarter decisions by working with me inside the Confidence Mindset Program. The Confidence Mindset Program is a 1-on-1 coaching program that will cause you to challenge your belief systems that are holding you back and empower you with prinicples that will teach you how to control your emotions, believe in yourself, and find better solutions when life gets hard.

Ready to stop feeling desperate and startfeeling confident?

Don’t let desperation control your life. Schedule a consultation call for the Confidence Mindset Program – click the link and start learning how to make better decisions and feel good about yourself. You deserve to feel confident and happy. Schedule your consultation today and start your journey to a better life…

Until Next Time Remember That Life Is But A Journey

Embracing Change: Understanding Transitional Seasons In Life

Have you ever felt stuck between what used to be and what is coming next?

Life is like the weather, always changing. Sometimes, these changing are small, like a sunny day turning into a rainy afternoon. Other times, they are big, like summer changing into winter. These big changes are what we call transitional seasons. A transitional season is a time in life when something big is changing. It could be something exciting or something scary. They are times when our familiar routines are interrupted, and we are pushed out of our comfort zones. During these times, everything can feel different, and it might be hard to know what to do next. Transitional seasons challenge our current identity and often force us to redefine our goals, values, and priorities.

My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 295 Days

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! We made it into 2017, and that is something that we all need to thank the Lord for because soooooooo many people did not make it into 2017. Thank you Lord for ordering our step through 2016 and into 2017, and I pray that you continue to order our steps in 2017. I know that it has been awhile since my last post and I now that you all are wondering what has happen with me on this journey. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: 2 Years and 295 Days”

My Weight Lost Journey: Golf Day





Okay guys you all have waited long enough, so here I go. July 1, 2016 was my first official golf day-I learned how to play the game. If you viewed my video then you all know that I was very nervous about playing golf with veteran golfers, and I almost did not go. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: Golf Day”

My Weight Lost Journey: My 5k Race Day


Okay guys, by now I know that you all are waiting to hear how I did on June 18, 2016 (My 5k Race) and the answer to the question is…………I did okay. Continue reading “My Weight Lost Journey: My 5k Race Day”

My Truth About Breast Feeding

Breast feeding is the nature way of feeding your child, and many women don’t get the opportunity to breast feed their child. I was so fortunate that I was able to breast feed my son, and I must say I enjoyed every minute of it. But I must say that I did not know how frustrating it can be when you are starting to breast feed; and no one told me that it would be so frustrating. This is my truth about breast feeding from the beginning to the end.

When I got pregnant I knew that I wanted to breast feed my child because I know how good it is for my child, and how it could help my body heal and bounce back. But I wondered if I could breast feed because my sister could not breast feed; and I could not remember if my mother was able to breast feed. So, needless to say, I was very concerned about breast feeding my child. During my pregnancy I constantly checked my breast to see if any milk was coming out, and there was nothing coming out. I began to get a little discouraged and I began to think about what I should do if I can’t breast feed. Even though I began to formulate a back up plan, I still wanted to try to breast feed my child. So, I began to talk to other women who where pregnant during the time I was pregnant about breast feeding. I would ask them if they were going to breast feed, and they all said yes; and then I asked if they had any milk coming out of their breast and so of them told me that their doctor told them that they probably would not see anything until their 9th month. So, I began to calm down a little bit and realized that every woman is different. I also discussed it with my midwife, and they told me to calm done and realize that every woman is different.

After Lee was born, I still didn’t see any milk coming out of my breast. And all of the doctors, nurses, and midwives told me that I had to keep trying because the only way to get the milk to come down is to let your baby suck it out. But it was so frustrating because I didn’t think anything was coming because Lee was still so hungry. So, after I would breast feed Lee the nursery nurse would give him a bottle and that made me even more frustrated. While I was in the hospital I had so many people telling me how to breast feed, and telling me to pump because that was the only way to get the milk down. I was told to do this about every hour or every other hour to point that it was beginning to get annoying. Even though it was beginning to get a little overwhelming, I continued to try because I want to make sure that Lee going those nutrients that he needed from my breasts milk.

Lee and I stayed in the hospital for 3 days after I gave birth to him, so when I was sent home I was told to pump and breast feed. My thought about the whole thing was if Lee was getting enough milk, if any milk, from my breast while we were in the hospital why should I continue to breast feed when I get home. But I still continued to breast feed Lee when I got home, and guess what, my milk came down. My breast got so hard and sore, but that Lee was sleep when this happened. So, I began to pump. During that time pumping felt so good, and I was soooooooo happy because my milk came down. I breast fed my son for 1 month and it felt so good. I was able to feed me son the way God intended for me to feed him. While he breast fed I would look into his eyes and I just felt very blessed. I can’t fully explain the feeling that you get while you breast feed your child, but it was a feeling that I was very blessed to feel and I was so happy that I could experience it.

Feeding Lee Arthur Smith,V
 To all the women out there who have a hard time breast feed my advice to yo would be to keep trying because it will come. And if you only breast feed for a short period, it is better than not doing it at all. Plus you bond with your child and that is a special bond that no one can change. I hope my story has helped someone and if you anyone has any advice for me concerning motherhood, please share. Until next time…..