My Weight Loss Journey: Day 587 – 1 Year 224 Days

In the Weight Watcher’s Meetings the participates are always asked what are the small steps that we can take everyday that will help us reach our goal? This is a very good question, and my answer is self control.

God’s word tells me that I have self control, and that I am in control of my body and thoughts; with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, I have to chose the make a different choice concerning food, and eating late at night.  Let me explain-I get home from work late and when I get home I am hungry, so I would eat my dinner. Then I would go to bed, and thus I gain weight. Many people might say why would I do that if I know I am going to gain weight. And my answer is because I have to eat right, and that is the thinking that I have to overcome. God says that I have self control, so at a certain time I should be able to stop eating and still know that I will be okay. But I don’t, I make the choice to eat late at night, and I know that it is derailing my weight lost journey.

So, one might think then why are you doing this (trying to lost weight and sabotage your self), and I would have to say because I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me and God’s word also tells me that I have self control. And His word continues to motive me to get back up again once I fall down, no matter how many times I fall down. Don’t get me wrong failing (falling down) more than once and back to back is very discouraging and it can bring your spirits down, but when I read God’s word and attend church to hear His word I am encouraged to get back up and take another step in the right direction. Every successful person will tell you that it is good to fail (it may not feel good) because it teaches you something and it helps to build character. The knowledge that I am gaining from Weight Watcher’s can also be applied to my everyday life journey. The bible say that as a man thinketh so is he, so if I think that I am someone that has self control, then I will be that person that has self control. If I think that I am successful, then I will be successful.

So, yes my one small step that I can take everyday that will help me reach my goal is to practice self control as it concerns eating late at night, Because God says that I have self control, so I have it. Now my question to you all is what small step can you take everyday that will help you reach your goals in life? Please share you thoughts and I will continue to share my weight lost journey with you all, until next….

My Weight Loss Journey: Day 568-1 Year and 204 Days

I know that it has been awhile since my last post, but when I say that I have been busy-I have been busy. What have I been so busy with you may ask; and my answer would be life-every day life. Do you know how easy it can be to get off or track? Well it is very easy, and I have found that once you fall off track a almost 2 weeks the chances of you getting back on track decreases (unless you are sick and tried of being sick and tried). So, I have been way pass the point of being sick and tried, so getting back on track in spite of being so busy felt really good. I had missed 2 of my Weight Watchers Meeting and I went to this past weeks meeting and the main topic of the meetings discussion was “Me Time”. 

This is something that we all need but feel bad when we take that must needed “Me Time”. During the discussion we talked about different activities that we considered “Me Time”, and while the discussion went on I thought to myself, how do you take the me time that you need without feeling guilty. The answer to that very question is, in order for you to take care of ours you yourself have to first take care of you. Think about it: if you don’t do what you need to do the stay healthy (physically and mentally) how will you be able to help your family, complete goals, reach your God-given purpose (which will affect millions). You will not be able to be the change in this world that you want to see because you will not have the energy nor strength to do it. So, the next question one may have is why it is so important that we take “Me Time”, and the answer is because we all need time to refresh and recharge. We all need to to decompress, which gives the body a change (physically and mentally) to heal and repair itself. We have to be able to allow our bodies the chance to re-cooperate from the daily stressors of life. If we don’t allow the body the chance refresh itself, the body will let it be know it needs time, and you could find yourself sick (mentally or physically). No one wants that, especially when you can prevent it by taking “Me Time”. Before the meeting ended we are given a task to do throughout the week, and the task given to us was to take some “Me Time”.

I took some much needed “Me Time”, but I did feel guilty the first day I took the time, because I was away from my family mentally and physically. I have been going and going and going, and I just needed to sleep. So, that is what I did-slept. When I got up from my day long sleep-fest, I just really felt bad because there were things that need to be done. But I then realized that if I don’t get the rest that I need that stuff that needs to get done won’t because I won’t be able to do it because I would be sick, so the guilty feeling that I felt went away. “Me Time” is important when you are on any journey, because you have to learn how to appreciate your self, and in doing this (appreciating your self) you allow your body to relax, refresh, and decompress, and this will give you the energy that you need to continue on the journey. So, appreciate your self, take the needed “Me Time”. See below for some examples or ideas given for “Me Time” in the meeting:
 1. Sensory: Listen to music or take a bath by candlelight
 2. Relaxing: Take deep breath slowly, massage, or turn off your phone for 10 minutes
 3. Creative: Make a vision board or scrapbook
 4. Outdoorsy: Take a walk outside, watch birds, sun bath
 5. Social: Go to the movies with a friend, get in contact with an old friend, look through your photo albums
 6. Brainy: Do a word puzzle, learn a new language, read a book 
 7. Rejuvenating: Buy yourself some flowers, change your screen saver to the beach or mountain scene
 8. Fun: Color in a coloring book, hit up yard sales, play cards

Whatever you choose to do make sure that you get in that must needed “Me Time” this week. And remember that be taking care or yourself you are in fact taking care of others. Until next time……..

My Weight Loss Journey: Day 512-1 Year and 148 Days

Image result for just do it A couple of days ago I expressed how my journey has began to feel like a chore, and I also said that even though I felt that way that I was going to continue to go to my Weight Watchers meetings. And that is exactly what I did.
So, the week before last we were asked to change the negative thoughts that we have/had into positive thoughts and the one negative thought that I have is working out is a chore. Now, my challenge was (and still is) to change that thought into a positive one, and the only thing that I came up with is the Nike slogan-Just Do It..… The slogan to me now means don’t just sit around and compliment about things that are wrong with your situation do something to change it. Yeah, working out does feel like a chore, but I feel so much better about my self when I go workout, so Just Do It. When I start to feel that negative feeling come up (which happens an hour before I am to go workout) I tell myself to Just Do It…

This week we were asked to choose one best practice that is key to our weight loss success and to plan on incorporating it into our maintenance plan; and my one best practice is planning. I have learned how to plan meals out, plan how many points I want to use on a meal, plan when to workout, and plan for the unexpected.  So, the key to my weight loss journey (one of the keys) is the plan it out. The last time I attempted to lose weight (with some success) I really did not plan things out. I kind of just planned out my workouts and that was all I really thought was important. And then when I moved the Chicago, it got hard to find time to workout, but I still eat the same way and the weight came back. So, learning how to plan out almost everything has helped me to be successfully this time around.

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I have to admit that I still have somethings to learn about myself, but the more I remain on this journey I am learning that gaining weight is really not all about the food; there are unresolved issues in someone’s life that causes them to turn to food because food really does not criticize or breaks your heart. Food’s job is to sustain you and that is what everyone is looking for in this world-something that sustains you, feeds you, fuels you. Food does just that, but toooooooo much of it is bad and learning how to have self control with food will teach you how to have self control in other areas of your life. You will be able to make better and smarter choices when you learn how to deal with food. Weight Watchers is showing me this and the being on this journey is teaching me how to use what Weight Watchers is showing me. I still have a long way to go, but I can say that I am proud of where I am on this journey. So, the take away from this post for everyone reading this post is plan, and stay positive. #PlanItOut and #JustDoIt

Until next time…..

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My Weight Lost Journey: Day 322 (New Year Reflection)

Well I am  a month into the New Year and I have had some time to reflect on 2014, and what I learned about myself and my weight loss journey. So, here are the 5 things that I learned about weight lost while on my weight lost journey, and I can tell you that I was a little surprise.

The 5 Things That I Have Learned On My Weight Lose Journey:

Number 5: Food Is Not The Enemy:
-I know that we are taught from birth that fat and sugar is bad; they will kill you. Well, that is not totally true. The truth is that over eating food in general will kill you. I am learning (truly learning) how to listen to my body and when I have had enough-then that is enough. While on this journey I have eaten cheeseburgers, and ice cream (regular ice cream), cakes, and cookies and I am still losing weight. Food is not the enemy—-not listening to your body and over eating is the enemy.
Number 4: Plan For It:
-When you are over weight you always feel like you are not in control; or shall I say that is how I felt-out of control. But while on this journey I am leaning that people don’t plan on failing they just fail to plan. Having a plan of what you will or will not eat during party times, holidays, regular days, everyday is setting yourself up for success. And by not having a plan you will fail. So now I plan out what I am going to eat almost everyday, and I have found that I have more control over what I put in my mouth. I no longer just eat food mindlessly-I plan it out. But I can tell you that it was not easy to do at first, but now it has become a part of who I am. So, PLAN FOR IT…..
Number 3: Be Mindful Of Your Mind Talk:
-We talk to ourselves everyday all day, and we tell ourselves the most negative things that anyone can imagine. STOP IT….. I had to learn to tell myself that I can do it and that I am losing weight (even when I come to a stand still). I had to learn to tell myself I am beautiful, smart, professional, and strong. I had to learn to tell myself that, and then I have to learn to believe it. I also had to learn to stop listening to the excuses that my mind gave me for why I can’t go work out or why I should be able to eat another piece of cake. I have learned that we (you-me) are the only ones that can stop us from being successful, and it starts in the mind. So, I have to learn to say (speak out) the opposite of what my mind is telling me, that way my mind will start saying the positive instead of the negative.
Number 2: Take It One Day At A Time:
-When you start to lose weight it comes off quick and then your body gets use to what you are doing and eating and you have to change it up. When this occurs it is so easy for you to say why can’t I lose the weight faster or this is taking tooooo long, and then stop trying. This almost happened to me, I almost gave up on changing my life because of how long it is taking for me to lose the weight. But then I remembered that it did not take a day for me to gain the weight (it was a little easier) so that means that it is going to take time. So now, I don’t focus on the big goal of how much I want to loss I focus on the one day. I get through that day and when the next day comes I do the same all over again. God tells us not to worry about what we will eat or drink or wear because He will provide all of that for us. He also tells us to focus on the present because worrying about the future adds nothing to your life. So, I am learning how to take it one day a time.
Number 1: Forgive Yourself:
-We carry a lot of emotion baggage that we think we have dealt with. And most of the time we have not dealt with it, but we have gained weight. So, I have to learn how to forgive myself for some of the choices that I have made. I have to learn how to celebrate my mother’s life instead of continuous grieving for her.  By forgiving myself, and letting go, I get back power over my life. Fear does not win. We all make mistakes, but it’s those mistakes that help us to grow and become better. By holding on to the what ifs, and could haves, should haves causes us to gain weight, and it makes it difficult for it to come off. So, I am learning how to forgive myself, I haven’t yet but I am headed in the right direction. LET IT GOOOOOO…… and watch the pounds come off…….
So, there is still more that I need to learn but I am ready to change. Let me know what you think of what I have learned thus far, and please share some of what you have learned on your on personal journey. Until next time…….